Ready to take the plunge and telework on the other side of the world?

We help you in your administrative procedures


Where are we taking you?

Visas for global workers

Visamundi, the e-Visa specialist, is launching into teleworking with a single rate :

Only 90 € processing fees, regardless of destination

Nomamundi was thus born with the mission of supporting workers around the world in their searching for and obtaining a teleworking visa. Our understanding of the market and its particularities enables us to enter this market of the future.

Get informed

Place of information on remote working abroad and the different visas in place.

Get help

Form for applying for teleworking visas. We submit your request to the competent authorities.


Help with additional procedures by advising you of our best partners.

Fly away

You leave and the Nomamundi experience is yours. Who has never dreamed of working while traveling?

Shake up your daily life

The primary aim of a teleworking visa ("Digital Nomad Visa"), is often to re-launch the economy of forgotten destinations, or those that have suffered the Covid-19 crisis and the total halt to tourist and business travel to their territory. This opportunity allows these countries to offer foreigners the chance to work in their country, without taking on the work of locals. Teleworkers present for a period between 6 months and 1 year will thus be able to spend their wages locally and thus boost the local economy.

Remote work, in figures

1 %

By 2028, 73% of companies are expected to have remote workers.


1 %

Growth of remote work over the past 12 years.


1 %

Percentage of workers saying they are more productive when working from home.

(CoSo Cloud)

Our values


Our high level of requirements and our knowledge of the market ensure a high acceptance rate. We do everything we can to ensure follow-up that meets your expectations.


We make ourselves available to listen to your requests attentively and provide personalized follow-up.



At Nomamundi, your data is well guarded. We take to heart respecting the confidentiality of the data provided by our customers.

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