Employee space
Our partner Holiworking answers you in detail.

Holiworking x Visamundi
Sebastian, founder of Visamundi and Gael, founder of Holiworking met in 2020 within the Nantes super accelerator DNA Booster.
A relationship of trust was quickly established leading to great professional collaborations.
Visamundi has become a Holicompany with an opening of the model to the teams. Eva, the first Holiworker from Visamundi, experienced the Holiworking adventure in Costa Rica!
The Holiworking solution
A Visamundi partner offering visa support including teleworking visas, Holiworking provides additional services to achieve an international teleworking experience for French employees.
Holiworking, a legal innovation at no extra cost to companies, enables employees to enjoy a 3 to 12-month experience in a dream destination, while ensuring the continuity of their professional teleworking assignment.
Holiworking accompanies the Holiworker on departure for the visa with Visamundi, health and welfare insurance, help in finding accommodation, help in finding schools, etc. On site, a coworking space is made available to the digital nomad employee as well as the support of a Holicoach to ensure their reception and integration in the country.
For who ?
- For digital nomad employees with a personal international mobility project, who wish to travel without leaving their job.
The main conditions for departure are to belong to a private sector company and to have a job compatible with 100% teleworking.
- For companies that wish to enhance their employer brand and develop an impactful CSR program.
Holiworking destinations are compatible with Nomamundi, and as a standard package in open Holiworking destinations (Bahamas, Canada, Costa Rica, Dubai, Mexico, Cape Verde, Morocco, South Africa, Mauritius, Seychelles, Taiwan, Thailand And Bali). If the destination of your dreams is not on this list, Holiworking can study it in a tailor-made package.
The advantages of the digital nomad employee
- Continue your teleworking mission abroad
- No termination of the employee's contract, nor of his mission vis-à-vis his employer
- An extraordinary life experience
- Discover the world
- Reconciling professional and humanitarian projects
- Learn or improve a language
To find out more, you can download the detailed brochure below