Digital Nomad: Our tips for feeling at home when traveling

The idea of teleworking in a new city thousands of kilometers from home can make even the most daring people doubt. This requires not only intense preparations, but also sorting out what things to take with you or not. Indeed, each element that reminds you of home will bring more comfort in an experience that can sometimes be lonely.

So, we offer you some tips to help you feel more at home when you are traveling as a digital nomad.

Put on some music!

Being alone in an apartment can feel overwhelming sometimes. Silence is perhaps not the best accomplice for developing bearings in this new environment. You will be more intrigued by the noises from outside that come from the window or by the sounds that emanate from the neighbors' apartment. We then advise you to put on music that will bring you comfort.

While working, feel free to put your favorite song or signature violin concerto in the background. Music that you are accustomed to will have a real therapeutic effect that will help you better understand this change and truly feel at home.

Maintain connections with people important to you

Even if the heavenly landscapes and unforgettable experiences that travel offers are a precious gift, they will never make you forget the taste of home. So, when you have opted for the digital nomad life, it is important to include a daily time to check in with your family and friends.

In the middle of your missions and the various activities of your day, use video call platforms to tell your best friend about the exciting adventures you are experiencing in your new host city. Think of share photos with them your visit to the museum or your safari in the heart of the jungle. This will also be an opportunity for them to tell you about the latest events that took place on their side.

Cook your favorite meal

Your favourite meal is often linked to a sweet memory. Preparing your favorite dish will have the advantage of making you relive a precious moment shared with those who are dear to you. So, to bring a scent of home into your new apartment or shared room, don't hesitate to prepare this famous family recipe that you inherited from your ancestor.

You can even use the your grandma's secret sauce to create new friendships. For example, invite your classmates from the language course or the local association to join you at your home for a meal. This will be the ambassador of your culture for create new memories.

Operate according to a pre-established routine

Going to the other side of the world to telework is above all a reckless act that puts you out of your usual comfort zone. Break your habits and have to develop new benchmarks can be a source of concern. For this reason, it is recommended to maintain a morning or nighttime routine to help you feel more at home.

For example, if you are interested in skin care, don't give up that pleasure just because you left live for a few months on another continent. Keep the same sequence of your favorite products every morning or before going to bed to forge a new connection with your new environment.

Likewise, if you still have the reflex to note the big moments of your day in your diary to better cope with your emotions, do not break with this tradition. You can use this handwritten therapy to formulate the challenges you face in order to be able to manage them positively.

Explore the heritage of your new destination

When you settle for 6 months or even a year in a new country, it is important to immerse yourself in the local culture. So don't hesitate to plan activities where you can explore the wonders around you. After finishing your assignments and video conferences, don't stay cooped up at home. Take your backpack and set off to discover the local cafes, parks and markets. You will live an authentic experience that will help you gradually familiarize yourself with the particularities of local life.

Also find out about exhibitions in the Art Galeries in your geographic area to observe the work of local artists. If you are passionate about history and architecture, set a monthly goal to visit a new museum or castle Everytime. You will certainly have the opportunity to meet other digital nomads or even backpackers who travel the world and you will thus join a real community.

Put the right clothes in your suitcases

When you pack your bags for a trip that can last up to 2 years, you will surely think of evening outfits for partying on the weekend, a beach swimsuit in case you are heading to the ocean and even sports pieces if you are a gym enthusiast. However, it is important not to forget the clothes in which you are most comfortable. Whether it's your favorite dressing gown or your favorite slippers, bringing clothing items that have sentimental value to you is important.

After a day of work doing a series of emails and calls with your superiors, it is wise to have in your new wardrobe this soft pajamas offered by your best friend who will help you relax.

Decorate the house with fresh plants

To create an invigorating atmosphere in your new home, take a trip to the local market to buy some plants. When you return home, make sure you place them in a strategic location where you can admire them every day and remember to water them.

If you have a large space or even a garden, you can plant a few rose bushes to carry out your professional tasks in a sublime setting. In addition, several scientific researches have proven the positive impact of plants and gardening on well-being.

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